Yosemite FaceLift
Enjoy Serving in Yosemite for FaceLift Week
September 24-28, 2025 Yosemite is a beautiful place - but only because so many people have worked to take care of it! In 2004, Yosemite climber Ken Yager got fed up with all the toilet paper littering Yosemite Valley and he launched the first ever “Yosemite FaceLift” with a goal of picking up trash. In the years of these annual events they have picked up over a million pounds of trash! Click here for more on the history of the FaceLift. FOR: Adults and Youth Ages 12+ COST: For 5 days, 4 nights: TBA $TBA/BAS Premium Member $TBA/non-member INCLUDED:
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A current BAS Premium Membership is required the member discount free access membership is not valid for discount.) For individuals it's only $49/year! Families are $99/year.) For more Information about membership and to join www.baysideadventuresports.com/membership.
Campers can go to Yosemite Valley any time but check in at our campsites will not be available until 1pm. That evening the FaceLift launches that night with an evening program about 7pm. - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd
We’ll register for the FaceLift about 8am and spend the day picking up trash until about 4pm, head to camp for dinner then enjoy the evening FaceLift program which starts with a raffle at 5pm and then the evening program at 7pm. We’ll have a devotional time around the campfire when we get back. - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd
Note: Those planning to hike Half Dome will apply for Half Dome Permits between 12am and 1pm (early Sunday morning or late Saturday Night if you are a night-owl). Each of us will apply for Half Dome Permits under the Daily Lottery at https://bit.ly/2lqod4F, attempting to get permits for Monday, September 26th. We will each apply for 4 permits. It costs $10 to apply. - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th
Yosemite Facelift runs 8am - 2pm with raffle at 3pm and a Thank You Dinner at 6:30pm. We will also have a group meeting for those hiking Half Dome to talk through prep for the hike. - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th
Those hiking Half Dome will meet at 5am for a continental breakfast of coffee, oatmeal, bagels with cream cheese, pastries, & juice. Goal is to be on the trail at 5:30am, hiking with the light of headlamps until the sun rises about 6:45am. Most will return to camp between 5pm and 7pm. - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th
We will have to pack up and depart from the campsite by noon.
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